
Adding value for customers through automated product video

+3 500


Thousands of videos added automatically
3 500+
relevant videos
Videos boost conversions*
higher conversions for product pages with video compared to pages without video
*Face the Future’s own data, 2022
Improved customer experience
Shoppers get the right product information at the right time
The video content provided by Videoly is an integral part of the added value we deliver to our customers. The majority of our products are skincare and haircare – videos clearly introduce the benefits.
Dave Trolle
Digital Consultant
to Face the Future
Streamline your video distribution
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Face the Future & Videoly

Face the Future
Through real experience and knowledge, leading skincare retailer Face the Future provides support for customers’ lifelong self-care. They stock industry-leading skincare, haircare and cosmetics brands to offer consumers the ultimate destination for all self-care and beauty needs. Their team of experts offer advice for every step of the skincare journey.
One solution, thousands of videos. The market-leading product video platform for online retailers, enabling automatically embedded, hand-picked product videos to connect seamlessly to online stores.

Beauty products need video content to make them shine: but how to get that content?

As skincare experts, extensive product education is a cornerstone of Face the Future’s customer experience. This is why video content is essential to showcase products in the best possible way. Still images and text don’t give consumers the full picture – online shoppers want to see how end results appear in movement. For example, makeup tutorials highlight products unlike any other medium. This type of user-generated video content helps customers make the right purchasing decision for their needs.
But how could Face the Future simply and swiftly connect product videos to their huge product range?
After all, just adding one video meant a great deal of manual work – let alone adding enough videos to cover thousands of products. Automated video connection was the only realistic solution.
Before using Videoly we’d tried adding videos to product carousels but it didn’t look professional. Now the videos are in the best position on our product pages and they look beautiful. It all just happens seamlessly.
Sam Lundy
E-commerce Assistant,
Face the Future

Enhance the entire customer experience through product video

With Videoly, Face the Future has been able to get thousands of hand-picked videos to their product pages. And this all happens automatically, saving hundreds of work hours.

Since installing Videoly

2 000+
Products covered with video
3 500+
Product videos added
of current product selection covered with video
Boost your customer engagement
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Videos at scale give our shoppers all the information they need to make the purchase that’s right for them.
Dave Trolle
Digital Consultant
to Face the Future

What Videoly brings

Finding the videos
Content curation
Technical embedding
No broken links
Insightful analytics

The biggest benefits

Boost conversions and SEO
Increases to conversions when a video is watched and a boost to SEO ranking
Easy installation
Managing video content has never been easier. Simple to install solution; fully automated; no resources needed from Face the Future
Comprehensive curation
All relevant video content procured, no matter how obscure. 54% of Face the Future’s product range is now covered with video content provided by Videoly
Premium video player positioning
Videoly’s video player appears in the best possible placement on product pages, usually at the top of a page and next to the add-to-cart button
Take your conversions to the next level
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Videos bring conversion boosts

The detailed product information and enriched shopping experience offered by video content is invaluable to increasing conversion rates. Since installing Videoly Face the Future has seen a significant boost to conversions on product pages with video.

When a video is shown on a product page, conversion rate is 34% higher compared to when a video is not shown. The boost is even more significant when videos are watched. Face the Future saw 58% higher conversions when a video is watched compared to when a video is not watched.*

Videos have also played a vital role in increasing awareness and boosting visibility, resulting in increased SEO ranking.

*Face the Future’s own data, 2022

Videos keep customers informed and engaged

For a customer-centric business like Face the Future, high quality product videos are an essential part of the added value provided to consumers. And there’s clearly a demand for video content that educates and entertains, with thousands of video views per month and over 100 hours of video watched per month on average.
Video watch progress
Hours of videos watched during a month
Monthly average, November 2021–August 2022
Getting relevant video content is more important than ever. Audiences are being advertised to more than ever before, so online shoppers need videos specifically about the product they’re considering buying. Videoly gives us those automatically.
Dave Trolle
Digital Consultant
to Face the Future
Take your conversions to the next level
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From installation to analytics – Videoly couldn’t be easier to use

Within a day of installing Videoly, Face the Future had hundreds of videos automatically connected to their pages.

Regular monthly reports keep Face the Future up-to-date with essential data and analytics such as time spent on site and conversions of customers that watched video compared to those who didn’t.
Videoly’s customer reports give us great insight. We can just pull up the analytics on Videoly’s interface and be in Google Analytics in one minute – in terms of understanding the data, it’s so easy to get. You don’t have to spend hours interpreting the data yourself.
Sam Lundy
E-commerce Assistant,
Face the Future
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Let’s create a success story together

Increase sales and keep your online shoppers engaged through automatically connected product videos. Whether it’s UGC, brand videos, reviews – we’ve got your product video needs covered.
Get started—it’s easy